Hydro Awards Tapping Contract to HMR
HMR Hydeq AS has signed a contract for the supply of the metal tapping vehicles to Hydro’s smelting plants in Norway.
HMR Hydeq is proud to be been awarded with this contract. We are very pleased that that our expertise is so highly evaluated when Hydro Aluminum chooses technology partners for the metal taping in their smeltes. The contract award confirms that HMR Hydeq is a secure and competitive supplier fullfilling requirement for such projects, which are crucial for smelter operation. Demands for the applied solutions, products and components are very high, and they gives us all the reasons to be proud to have been chosen as a supplier in the global competition.
The contract that HMR has now been awarded consists of the deliveries to Hydro Aluminum’s facilities in Husnes, Årdal and Karmøy.
The project shall be implemented from spring 2019 to summer 2020.